For those who appreciate #music or believe that they will want to hear music during #labour, making a playlist for labour and #birth is kind of a big deal. During the process of creating my own, I first looked to YouTube for examples of other people’s playlists, which was not very inspiring for me. It seems that the majority of people who publish their lists are into nothing but long “meditation” tracks and endless #Enya. Now, I do like Enya and I am no hater of #meditation or some meditation music, but I can only listen to so much wind chimes and sparkly synthesizer noodling before wanting to hurt people.
I am a realist, so I am open to the reality that this #labour and birth will be painful. When I am stressed or in pain, I rarely want a lot of music with words or music that I might otherwise want to sing along to. I tend to want to just “go into” myself and need the ability to block out what I am listening to without it being Muzak(tm).
I am a very eclectic and complicated person, which is to say that I am human. I have varied tastes when it comes to music. When I went looking for tracks for my playlist, I just let my #intuition and #Merbaby guide me. The result is well, eclectic, complicated, and human. So far, this playlist has me convinced that I am giving birth to a Sufi, Catholic, Buddhist, #mermaid — I am pretty okay with that.
My only main complaint in compiling this playlist is that I couldn’t find better versions or better versions with better videos or just no videos. Needless to say, I have ripped all of the YouTube videos down into mp3 tracks and will NOT be playing any of the actual videos during labour and will only being playing the audio tracks.
Without further ado, I give you the proposed Merbaby Labour & Birth Playlist:
I have another secret playlist that is basically nothing but tracks from Muslimgauze, you know, in case I feel like dancing.
Track List:
01Amazing Oriental Music – HD – FARAN ENSEMBLE 02Lhasa de Sela – Anywhere On This Road 03Mehr Ensemble -Tortuous Maze 04Salve Regina – Catholic Hymns, Gregorian Chant 05Tori Amos – Somewhere Over The Rainbow 06LA ILAHE ILLALLAH – ZIKIR – DHIKR 07Blue Whale Song (Smooth Relaxing Music) 08Sufi Meditation Music – Allaho Akbar, Ya Rahimo Ya Rahman 09Somebody To Love – The String Quartet Tribute to Queen 10Om Mani Padme Hum – Original temple mantra version 11Sufi Music (Sukun) 12Down To The River To Pray – Alison Krauss 13Meditation Music Om Chant First Chakra Muladhara Zen Tibetan Monk Root 14Fade Into You – Mazzy Star Piano Tribute 15Sufi Women Whirling Derwishes-Emotional spirituality 16Portishead feat.Tom Jones -Sometimes I feel like motherless child(traditional Spiritual) 17Ave maris Stella – Schola Mariacka – St. Mary’s Basilica Cracow – Witaj Gwiazdo morza 18Dolphins and Whales deep ocean 19Lhasa de Sela – My name 20Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary HD 21Portishead – A Tribute To Monk & Canatella (with lyrics) 22Wild Horses for violin clarinet cello and piano 23Deftones Change In the House of Flies A String Quartet Tribute 24Persian Traditional Music 25Neutral Milk Hotel – In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (Piano Cover)